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Very fun game idea! I like color merging and ambiance of the game. 

My only issue is the UI. If you decide to build out the game more, it would be cool to be able to select a sprite and have its genome display in a UI box. Also once you have a more than 10 or so, it's hard to see what's going on, so having a side panel to select your sprites by genome might help.

Selecting parents could also be more intuitive if instead of right-clicking them, you could drag and drop them to a nest. Here you could maybe also add a UI box showing a preview of the possible offspring it might produce. That would also make it more clear how the child's genome is determined. 

That being said, he's very cute and could definitely be build into a full game! Hope my comments are useful!

Thanks for playing! 

The genome is supposed to show on the right when you're in inspecting mode with the mouse (R) but it's possible that it's buggy. I definitely agree I don't like the controls. I didn't get drag and drop working until a bit later on and by that point I didn't have time to redo the whole control scheme 😭.

I'm planning to rebuild it from the ground up in a new project (if I do decide to keep working on it) since the code became very spaghetti in week 2. I will definitely rethink the controls if I do. I wanted to have an album view as well as multiple paddocks too. 

Thanks for the feedback!

Super valid! I only got through like half my list of features for my submission. and it’s still a really promising game :)


what do i do 

You can right click on the sprites to set them as parents and then confirm pair to see what you get! If you can't then something has gone wrong ^^;